Creating Hope Foundation

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Press Release: Sofia Harrienger’s 9th Birthday and 1 Year Celebration of CHF!

For Immediate Release: September 14, 2021

Contact: Lara Kulpa 518-848-4636,

9 Year Old Hagaman Girl Turns Birthday Wish

 Into Non-Profit Movement

Sofia Harrienger announces her 3rd annual birthday wish through Creating Hope Foundation, Inc.

HAGAMAN, NY - Sofia Harrienger, 9, announced today that her non - profit, Creating Hope Foundation, Inc will support children with cancer and their families as her 9th birthday wish.

At the age of 7, Sofia told her mother that she wanted to collect donations for the Montgomery County SPCA instead of getting birthday gifts from her friends and family. Three months later, she asked Santa for gifts to put together bags for the homeless. She then carried on that cause for her 8th birthday, with all collected donations going to benefit displaced women and children of the YWCA of Northeastern New York.

As Sofia’s mother, Lara Kulpa, continued to discuss her daughter’s hopes and dreams with her, she realized that Sofia had some pretty big plans. The Creating Hope Foundation, Inc came from these discussions and now celebrates its one-year anniversary. 

Said Sofia, “I chose this as my birthday wish this year because when I was younger, my friend was diagnosed with cancer and I know how hard it was for his family. When I thought about what I wanted the Creating Hope Foundation’s mission for its second year to be, it just made sense to me.”

Said Lara, “I am so proud of Sofia and her desire to always be a helper. She wants to ‘change the world, one birthday at a time’ and has always looked for ways to bring a smile and a sense of peace to others.” 

Special events and updates will be shared on the Creating Hope Foundation, Inc’s Facebook page and their new website
